So this is where it all started...I has this job, as many of you may know, at a giant indie bookstore called Joseph-Beth Booksellers. Jo-Beth, for a variety of reasons, closed this and several other locations. I was left jobless. Having spent my life as a voracious reader, I found myself in some kind of book junkie withdrawal. Plenty to read, no one to talk books with. Correction: no steady stream of impressionable strangers to press books upon, to hunt down obscure titles for, to mercilessly market my latest favorite to. No drop by visits from authors, no hot and cold running books...
It was like being exiled to some cold, cold place.
And then I realized that out there are dozens, nay dozens and an extra handful of people out there who actually want to read other people's opinions about books. I am rife with opinions about books. And thusly is a blog born. Please, please, please if you read something and you feel one way or the other about it tell me in the comments. This is my way of connecting to a bunch of bookstore people (something I also have the extreme pleasure of doing two days a week at Eljay's Books in Dormont. If you haven't seen the new store yet please, stop by!!! )
A few things you should know before we begin:
I rarely bother finishing books I don't like at least a lot. I will be reading all kinds of stuff, but only bothering to complete and talk about something I really think is worth spending more time on. I read a lot of new stuff but I'll be going back to re-read some books I haven't gotten back to in years and when I do, I will talk about them too. I also did a lot of mini-reviews for the shelves at JB and I will probably get around to posting a bunch of that as well.
One more thing: if you read my blog and feel a sudden and violent desire to monetarily encourage all this madness head over to and buy yourself something nice. It's better than donating money to me and getting nothing but a warm feeling. I spend a lot of my free time crocheting cute things and tatting lace and then when I have too much I sell something.
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